
Links & other interesting information

Citizen Advocacy Organisations

Citizen Advocacy Launceston Region (Tas)

Citizen Advocacy Sunshine Coast (Qld)

Citizen Advocacy Perth West (WA)

North East Citizen Advocacy (Vic)

Citizen Advocacy Sunbury & Districts Inc. (Vic)

Citizen Advocacy South Australia Inc (SA)

Citizen Advocacy Trust of Australia

International Citizen Advocacy Organisations

Winnipeg Citizen Advocacy Inc. (Canada)

North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy (USA)

Chatham-Savannah Citizen Advocacy (USA)

Citizen Advocacy New York City (USA)

Citizen Advocacy Auckland (NZ)

Other Sites of Interest

Social Role Valorization (AUS) 

Disability Advocacy Network Australia

The Social Role Valorisation Implementation Project (USA)

Wolf Wolfensberger – History of Human Services

National Disability Advocacy Program – Advocacy for people with disability DVD

Capricorn Citizen Advocacy is funded by the Queensland Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm